Neurokeys is the digital health Smartphone keyboard, with which you can monitor your brain health simply by typing on your smartphone.
Monitor while you
Everything we do, including our thinking, emotions, speaking, moving, breathing, and even our heartbeat, depends on the brain's functioning.
Our life and that of our loved ones can be severly impacted if our brains are affected by such illness. However, since no one asked to get ill in the first place, we believe that it should be possible to monitor your body's most vital organ without constantly being concerned about it.
But how does it work?
By analyzing millions of data points on how your fingers move over your screen, combined with how the device moves and, for example, how many steps you take in a day, we can gain good insight into how your brain is doing mentally, physically, and emotionally. Every time you use your phone.
You might recognize it; if you are tired, you make more mistakes while typing.
By adding this we can, for example, see if the weather affects your brain health..
Knowing how many steps you take gives us even better insight into you brain.

Anyone with a smartphone does it; typing. We all do it about 50 to 80 times a day without even realizing it. By analyzing these unconscious digital interactions, we can measure your brain health every time you type.
At Neurocast, we value privacy. So much even that it's embedded by design, meaning we don't collect data that can be traced back to the user. So it's completely safe and anonymous to use; we never look at what you type. With smart algorithms, we only analyze how you type.

We believe that monitoring the most important organ, your brain, should be completely unobtrusive and available to everyone. That is why we are doing our utmost to make our technology widely available as soon as possible without technical or financial barriers.
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